Monthly Archives: July 2014

July 2014

Kramer sets up an online dating site for his task rabbit clients who he feels “are made for each other.” There is no online portion of it – they just meet him and each other at the coffee shop to be introduced. Kramer: “I call it Task Rabbit Harmony.”

The gang goes to the movies. Elaine buys a ticket to go see “Rise of the Planet of the Apes” by herself. Jerry: “You know James Franco isn’t in.. he died in the first one!” Elaine: “I know but he’s in the preview!” Jerry: “You’re setting yourself up for disappointment sister.” Jerry and his new girlfriend go see “Lucy” but she won’t stop talking about how scientifically inaccurate it is. Jerry: “It’s a movie! Suspend your reality!” George and Kramer go see “22 Jump Street” and promise that if they are ever both unemployed at the same time they will become undercover cops together. Newman sees “The Purge Anarchy” and becomes paranoid that it will become a reality one day. He is super nice to Jerry from then on.



After finally finding out what #tbt actually stands for, Uncle Leo decides to coin new online acronyms. “KMFB – kicking my feet back. TCOB – taking care of business.” Jerry: “What business? Aren’t you always KMFB?” Uncle Leo: “It would be KYFB if you’re asking me- kicking your feet back.” Jerry: “I’d like to kick something..” Uncle Leo: “I’ve got more. There’s MaM: Mad about Monday- all the times you want to rant about something, do if for Mad about Monday. Tell all Tuesday- Tat – share all the little things you do that day.. World Wide Wednesday- post pictures of places you’ve been or want to go.” Jerry: “Enough!!” Uncle Leo: “I still need one for Friday..”

Elaine and Babs Kramer go to a wine&canvas night but pre-game with peppermint schnapps. Elaine confesses her secret love for Jerry. Babs: “Which one is he? The mailman is mine!” Elaine: “Newman?!” They get kicked out of the painting class after the first fifteen minutes for being too drunk and for trying to paint each others hair.

Uncle Leo learns a new Facebook abbrev. SMH – overuses it in real life (IRL). Leo: “You don’t say hello? Shaking my head.”

Back on task-rabbit to try to improve his rating Kramer signs up to shop for someone’s groceries. He immediately raids Jerry’s fridge for all the essentials.



George has Weird Al’s parody “Word Crimes” stuck in his head at work but doesn’t know if it’s cool to like it and can’t figure out what “your participles danglin'” means. Tries to work it into conversation without mentioning the song but no one understands what he is talking about.

Kramer and Newman (who haven’t played a board game together since their endless game of Risk) start a game of Settlers of Catan but quickly realize it is meant for more than two players. When no one else will play with them they each agree to take on the role of two players but promise not to collude with themselves.


Elaine starts using pinterest for the first time ever. She makes what she thinks is a secret board filled with posts about the royal baby’s first birthday. Everyone at work sees it, earning her the new new nickname “Queen George.” She quickly starts posting pictures of flowers and braids like everyone else.

Hearing about the kickstarter guy who earned $50k for potato salad, Kramer starts a campaign for making his pasta sculptures into life size realities for an exhibit: “Fusilli Jerry and Friends” to be held in Jerry’s apartment. Jerry: “Fusilli Jerry says F u silly Kramer. Not on my watch will you create a bunch of pasta sculptures in my living room.” Kramer: “Fine I’ll ask Ravioli Newman.”



What is David Puddy doing now that both hockey and the World Cup are over?

Uncle Leo now on facebook thinks that #tbt stands for “tag by tomorrow” and begins tagging people in all their #tbt pictures like it’s a game. He also discovers creating facebook groups (about ten years late!) and starts making a group for everything. Uncle Leo: “Jerry, why didn’t you join my Cousin Jefferey appreciation group?”

Morty Seinfeld: “Leo, everyone knows #tbt stands for truly blessed thanks.. you know when people want to show off humbly so they say they are truly blessed thanks.”


George stares down a lady with a bedazzled face at a hip new beer garden. George: “If she didn’t want people to stare at her she wouldn’t have covered her face in tiny sparkly things! I’ll stare as much as I want!”

Jerry does stand up at a sleep away camp, “What’s the deal with bug spray? It’s like bugs are attracted to it. It should be called ‘bug stay’! What’s the deal with s’mores? All that sugar right before bed? Come on counselors, don’t you want the kids to sleep? It should be graham crackers and NyQuil.” He is asked to leave.

Kramer signs up to be a task-rabbit and gets hired to put together someone’s IKEA bookshelf. He calls Newman over to help and they assemble the eighteen pieces together backwards and have to take it apart and start over, eventually breaking the entire piece and having to buy a new one. Kramer gets his review on task-rabbit, poor/insufficient.


Elaine goes to the ER in the middle of the night thinking she has a blood-clot in her leg. Nothing at all funny happens there.

George’s girlfriend dumps him because he can’t find a coke bottle with her name (Jessica) on it. George: “Jerry, as soon as I left her apartment I started seeing Jessica coke bottles all over the place. I could buy a dozen to try to win her back.” Jerry: “This is a new low..”


Kramer tries to sell his free slushie from 7-11’s Free Slushie Day on July 11th. No one will take the neon blue drink and Kramer drinks it himself – can’t sleep for three days.

Elaine and Babs (Kramer’s mom) have their first girls night out. Where do they go?


Uncle Leo discovers “poking” on facebook and gets mad at Jerry for not poking him back. “First you don’t say hello to your uncle on the street and now you won’t even poke me?”


Elaine can’t stop singing “Fancy” by Iggy Azalea. George tries to do his own intervention. “Elaine, the song makes no sense – there’s no fast lane from LA to Tokyo. It could be “first class from LA to Tokyo, but not ‘fast lane’..” Elaine: “Wow, you’ve really given this a lot of thought.”

Kramer gets the gang to grow mustaches and do Mo-Vember in July instead of November. Jerry: “Now we just look like people with mustaches.. no one will know it’s for Mo-Vember.” Kramer: “Mu-ly. Mustaches in July Jerry.” Elaine: “What do I get to do?” Kramer: “Grow a uni-bro Elaine. Uni-ly. Unis in July.”

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After hearing about the sleeping-Yankee fan who sued ESPN for teasing him on TV, George tries to sue for the time they broadcasted him eating ice cream at a tennis match.

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Trying to see the July 4th fireworks at Brooklyn Bridge Park, Elaine is convinced they are only letting beautiful women through the barricades. She puts on a giant raincoat over her dress, messes up her hair, and tries to get in – to no avail. Then she goes to the Shake Shack bathroom and gets all fancy (still singing “I’m so fancy…”). The police still don’t let her through. “That’s it, I’m going to Shake Shack!”

At a baseball game, George tries to get a free refill on his big gulp souvenir cup. Each concession stand tells him no. Finally a woman says, “Sure, why not?” George: “Will you marry me?”

The Seinfelds and Costanzas meet Babs Kramer (Kramer’s mom) for the first time and vie for her friendship. The Costanzas invite her over for paella (“I made all this paella..!”) and the Seinfelds invite her to their place in Florida (“You really don’t have to be friends with the Costanzas.. In fact, we Can’tStandThem.”) Babs choses neither and befriends Elaine instead. They start a weekly girls-night out. (More to come on that front..!)

George doesn’t know what a “plug-in” is. George: “All I know is a plug in is something I’m supposed to have that I don’t have. Right up there with silverlight and flash players, and all the other things everyone else seems to have that I don’t!” Jerry: “You just have to click ‘install plug-in’ and you’ll have a plug-in.” George: “How does everyone else know that?”



After eating banana-tuna sushi at a chic fusion restaurant, Kramer refuses to eat at any sushi place that doesn’t serve it. Kramer: “These places don’t even have any bananas!” Jerry: “Why don’t you just bring your own bananas?” Kramer: “Now we’re talking!”

Elaine vows to boycott Hobby Lobby after the Supreme Court ruling but realizes she’s never even been to a Hobby Lobby and doesn’t know if there even is one in Manhattan.

Kramer answers a craigslist ad to be a spot holder on line for Shakespeare in the Park. He decides it would be most profitable to get paid to hold several spots at once not knowing about the two-ticket minimum. After waiting for five hours, he gives up his spot ten minutes before the ticket booth to go to the bathroom. Kramer: “Jerry, you remember what happened last time I held it in for too long..” Jerry: “What did you tell all the people whose tickets you were supposed to get?” Kramer: “They should wait for their own five hours next time.. see how it feels.”

George gets obsessed with the #thingstimhowardcouldsavetwitter feed, overusing it of course in all his conversations. George: “You remember Babu’s cafe? Tim Howard could have saved it! My dear frogger video game that got smashed to pieces by a truck? Tim Howard! The marble rye? Tim would have thrown it right into the window on the first try. Remember that time in Hamptons when Nina walked in on me changing.. you know.. shrinkage? Tim Howard would have somehow prevented that!” Jerry: “Alright, slow your roll Georgie Boy.” George’s obsession with Tim Howard jokes finally comes to an end when he’s on a date and makes a joke about Tim Howard saving Blockbuster from going bankrupt. Date: “My father was the CEO of Blockbuster!” George: “Save me now Tim Howard.” 


Bania gets into  #ThingsTimHowardCantSave “Your hairline George. Tim Howard couldn’t save that.” What other Seinfeld things could/couldn’t Tim Howard save?



June 2014

Kramer and George’s dad make a bet to see how many famous commencement speakers they can meet by sneaking into graduation ceremonies. They each get 5 autographs but Frank contests that Bill Nye doesn’t count as a celeb. It turns out that Frank forged Puff Daddy’s signature (he signed it as “Sean Combs” which was a give away that it was fake).


Newman makes his wifi network name CardioDoctor so that he can trick a new woman in his building into thinking he is a heart surgeon when she asks to borrow his wifi until her internet kicks in. Newman’s spot is blown when she sees him delivering mail the next day.

Jerry and Elaine are at the movies and Jerry realizes he is sitting next to an old acquaintance from high school. They see that the friend is texting his movie-companion: “I know this guy next to me but don’t say anything, I’m pretending I don’t know him.”

George goes to the eye doctor for a checkup. He can’t stop blinking during the test. Dr Kunal: “Stop blinking! George you have to stop blinking!” George (holding his eyes wide open): “Believe me I’m trying! It’s a basic human instant. Forgive me for being so human as to need to blink!”

Jerry’s parents visit for the weekend from Florida and are convinced by Newman when they run into him in the elevator that the outer borough green taxis are eco-friendly Manhattan cabs. They spend an hour on the upper west side trying to hail a green cab, refusing to get into seven yellow ones that stop for them.


Uncle Leo tries to take a date to the new 84th street and Broadway movie theater where you can pick your own seats out online before the show. He accidentally buys two wheelchair spots (just empty spots, no chairs). The date leaves. He stands and watches “The Neighbors” for two hours.

Puddy shows his newfound support for the Rangers by getting a small tattoo, but soon regrets it when Elaine won’t stop joking about his “Puddy-tat.” Elaine tells Puddy: “Think before you ink!” 

Elaine admits she knows nothing about the Solange-Jay-Z elevator incident and that she’s been pretending for weeks by saying, “Yeah I heard it’s being called ‘Elevator-gate’!”


George buys a groupon for a two-hour archery session. It turns out it’s for a father-son day. George uses it anyway and refers to several kids as ‘son’ whenever an instructor walks by.

Kramer refuses to believe that the new Ms. America (Nia Sanchez from Nevada) is really a fourth degree black belt in taekwondo. Kramer: “Don’t you all remember when I did ka-ra-tay with eight year olds? She’s a phony!”

Tim Whatley has a grudge against George for taking home the container of guac he brought to Whatley’s Oscar party. Jerry: “How much guac was left?” George: “Practically the whole container, he didn’t even serve it until an hour after I got there!” Jerry: “Oh, then it’s yours. If it’s more than half, you keep it. Less than half you leave it.” George: “See I knew it was still mine!” George throws a Tonys party to prove his point to Whatley who takes home a mostly full bag of chips. George: “Hah! He did the same thing! Now who has a grudge!” Jerry: “Well, it’s a completely different protocol with chips…”

Newman is going to Brazil for the World Cup “on behalf of the US Postal Service”.. Newman: “They need us for these international athletics events to deliver fan mail.” Jerry: “Yeah? Where were you in Sochi?”

Elaine agrees to do a flash dance with her coworkers in Times Square to the song “What Does the Fox Say?” Elaine shows up as the only one dressed like the animal she is playing (the seal that goes ow ow ow). Also, no one else memorized the dance and everyone ends up watching (and laughing at Elaine doing the dance by herself). She earns the new office nickname Foxy Lady (to replace her previous nicknames, Nip and Little Kicks).

Jerry wants to breakup with his girlfriend for typing Bellmaunt Steaks in a text the day of the big race. George: “Cut her some slack, it was probably autocorrect..” Elaine: “I once broke up with a guy for confusing Laura Linney and Julianne Moore.” Kramer: “What does cutting someone some slack mean anyway? Jerry, you should use that in your next bit.” Jerry: “That’s Bania-grade material..” What’s Bania up to? 


George’s lack of geographical knowledge is apparent during the World Cup games. Jerry: “We go through this same conversation every four years literally.. The Netherlands is Holland, Holland is the Netherlands.” George: “Then what’s New Amsterdam?”

Elaine sees her doppelgänger in a subway poster for DeVry University. People start recognizing her when she’s riding the subway and not-so-subtly pointing at her. Elaine: “It’s not me okay! I didn’t go to DeVry! Not that there’s anything wrong with it..”

George’s parents go see Hedwig and the Angry Inch on Broadway where Frank gets a surprise lap dance from Neil Patrick Harris in his third row seat. Estelle is not amused.

Disheartened by hockey, Puddy goes to Brazil for the World Cup where he unites with Newman to support team USA. They paint their faces and entire bodies to look like Captain America (Puddy) and the Statue of Liberty (Newman) but get arrested for public nudity outside the stadium. Newman uses his postal service connections to make bail and they return to New York promising never to speak of the incident again. Puddy tells Elaine who “puts it in the vault” which is easily unlocked by Jerry and some peppermint schnapps.

Jerry and George go see How to Train Your Dragon 2 (which George refers to as “HTTYD23D” when ordering tickets). Jerry cries and the woman next to him offers him a tissue and they exchange numbers after the movie. George, thinking that crying during movies is a new way to meet women, brags about “softly weeping” during Transformers Age of Extinction (TAOE). A therapist gives him her business card (and he proceeds to brag to Jerry and Kramer about getting a woman’s number). 


May 2014

Jerry teases George for continuously calling the new Spiderman movie “The Amazing Spiderman.” Jerry: “Can’t you just say ‘the new Spiderman movie’?” George: “Jerry, he’s the Amazing Spiderman.”

After learning what “supping” means, Elaine thinks every guy is supping her. She ends up getting back together with David Puddy but breaks up with him the next morning when he says, “May the Fourth Be With You!” Jerry: “You broke up with him over that?!” Elaine: “No, I broke up with him because he explained the joke. He didn’t think I got it the first time. Of course I get it! It happens every year! This ain’t my first rodeo!” Jerry: “Not this again..!”


Kramer stocks up on Sriracha sauce after finally hearing about the possible closing of the factory in California. Jerry: “I’ve never once seen you use Sriracha..” Kramer: “I know Jerry, but it’s going to be worth its weight in gold in a few weeks.”

George finds out about airPnP: “I thought of this exact idea 15 years ago! The thing where people can rent out their bathrooms for tourists who are looking for a clean and comfortable public toilets. My idea!”

Bania tries to make a joke about Don Sterling but it comes out totally wrong and he is heckled off the stage (to the amusement of Jerry).

A week after the Elaine-Puddy break-up George gets the May the Fourth joke.


Newman is deeply troubled that the clowns on the new “Vintage Circus Posters” stamp really will be around “forever,” since no one will want to use them.

The gang goes to Trivia Night at the bar 1020. Elaine flirts with the Australian bartender, keeps asking him if he watches “Flight of the Concords.” “No, but I think they’re from New Zealand. It’s a different place.” Jerry brings a new girlfriend to meet everyone. George tries unsuccessfully to impress her: “Did you know that THIS is the bar from the movie The Other Guys?!” “What’s that?” Bania and his improv team show up for trivia and try to win the best-team-name contest. They come up with: “Red Hot Trivia Peppers” while Jerry, Elaine, George and Kramer call their team: “Masters of Our Domains” and win the best-name contest. Kramer has a surprising knowledge of celebrity current events (Kramer: “I’m all caught up with the Kardashians”) and George texts his dad (against the rules) to ask a question about the Korean War. By halftime the Masters of Our Domains are in 7th place and Bania’s team is in 6th. All the Columbia students are in 1st-5th place. Elaine promises she will deliver in the music round (hoping there will be some big band jazz questions..) but it is actually just a lot of 80s music and Elaine guesses Cyndi Lauper for all the songs. Jerry: “Some help you are!” By the end of the night, the gang is in 9th place and Bania’s team is 4th. Bania: “Jerry, if you buy me dinner I won’t tell anyone about you losing trivia..” The prize for losing trivia is a bag of pork rinds. Jerry: “You want dinner? Here’s your dinner, Bania!”

George starts lying about having a 3D TV. “I’ve been lying about my income for long enough, I think I can afford a 3D TV.” When Jerry and his new girlfriend come over to watch after trivia George claims he can’t find the glasses and it’s no fun to watch without the glasses.

Elaine is on a date with a new man she really likes but ends the night early in order to make it home in time to watch the season finale of a certain unmentionable reality TV show.. Survivor.

Kramer cannot stop talking about the Kim-Kanye wedding. Jerry makes fun of him until it becomes clear that Jerry is equally excited and informed on all things Kardashian (this is on par with Jerry owning up to watching “Melrose Place” back in the 90s!)


Elaine buys a shoulder-padded velvet shirt on Amazon (it looked better on the model) and, not knowing how to return it, tries to donate it to charity. No place will take it.

Kramer starts planning a 12/13/14 Party to beat Newman to it. Kramer: “Newman will have to wait until 13/14/15- ha!!” Jerry: “Right…”

Newman starts a campaign to get chain-letters back up and running to produce more mail. Kramer believes in them and forwards them widely via snail mail. George’s dad starts believing in them too: “I don’t want bad luck for the next seven years..”


Jerry stays over at a woman’s apartment during a flood warning, afraid to go outside in the torrential downpour. She makes him watch all three High School Musicals.

Elaine is looking forward to Fleet Week until her excitement inspires George to rent a marine uniform and pose as a marine from Arkansas for the week. Jerry: “I think that might be against the law..” Speaking of the law, what is Jackie Chiles up to?

April 2014

Elaine refers to the morning news anchors like they are her friends. Elaine: “Guess what! Louis Burgdorf just engaged!” Jerry: “Who now?!”

Newman puts toothpaste inside Jerry’s oreos. Newman: “Classic!” What other April Fools pranks went down?! 

Jerry, George, Elaine and Kramer have a contest to see who can keep kosher for passover for the longest. George cheats first with Twix. Jerry sneaks a bowl of Kix. Elaine isn’t sure if Jujyfruits are okay or not but doesn’t tell anyone about eating some. Kramer eats an H&H bagel from his stash in his freezer. Elaine wins and can now proclaim herself “Queen of the Castle.” To celebrate, Elaine goes to Atomic Sub and puts herself a few subs closer to a free sub and paper crown.



Kramer tries to bootleg movies in 3D by putting 3D glasses over the camera lens. “Bob Sacamano says it works!”

Elaine goes on a date with a man she met on Words with Friends smartmatch. Jerry: “What are you going to talk about? All the two-letter words?”

Kramer declares his endorsement of Liam Neeson’s pro-horse-and-carriage stance. Jerry: “Who are you endorsing him to?” Kramer: “To the world Jerry. The general public cares about my humble opinion. Imho.”


George’s dad bans cellphones at their passover seder. George goes into the bathroom to text his new girlfriend every five minutes. Frank catches on to George’s plan, finds the phone hidden in the medicine cabinet and starts responding to the texts as George. George is dumped without explanation the next day.

Kramer volunteers as the Easter Bunny at Macy’s – refuses to help kids in the egg hunt. “They’re smart kids, they can find them for themselves!”

Uncle Leo binge-watches “Orange is the New Black” – swears off stealing from bookstores.

George and Jerry discover Elaine has been writing fan fiction scripts for Two Broke Girls. Jerry: “This is almost as bad as when you tried to write for Murphy Brown.”


Elaine over-uses the phrases “called an audible” and “this ain’t my first rodeo.” Kramer calls for an intervention which of course Jerry has to host at his apartment. Elaine takes it well and switches to the phrase “said no one ever.” She majorly offends her boss by responding with “said no one ever” when her boss says that his wife makes the best kugel ever. Elaine: “I meant ‘said EVERYone ever! Everyone!”

Jerry buys his parents their first wireless internet router – they argue for hours over what to name it and eventually tell Jerry to just take it for himself. Jerry: “What!? I bought this for you! Why don’t you just call it JerryistheBestSon?” Morty: “Oh that’s nice, I like that- we’ll keep the router!” Jerry: “Okay, but you’re gonna need to decide on a password..”

George steals his parents Netflix, they catch him when the recently-watched movies list includes all of the Twilight movies.


Kramer signs up for Tinder and gets so many responses that he sends them over to Newman. He is red-flagged and banned from the app.

George invests his savings in bitcoin and takes his girlfriend to the few restaurants in NYC that accept bitcoin payment.



Elaine downloads a magic 8 ball app and uses it for all of life’s minor decisions. Elaine: “Should I get a manicure and make one nail sparkly?” Magic 8 ball app: “Absolutely.” 

Elaine makes her ringtone the theme song of Game of Thrones even though she doesn’t really watch it.

March 2014

Jerry’s girlfriend dumps him for not re-tweeting Ellen’s Oscar selfie. Jerry: “What? Like my one extra tweet would have made any difference?”

Uncle Leo, a huge fan of Jennifer Lawrence, tries to find and sue whoever put down the orange cone that she tripped over. Jackie Chiles refuses to take his case because he thinks it’s “foolish, ridiculous, preposterous!”and because he is busy working on the Kramer vs. Costanza case in the fight over the rights to inventing Menterest / HimTerest.


Kramer thinks that John Travolta’s Idina Menzel flub was actually a secret code sending subliminal message to convert viewers to scientology. Starts a blog called “Idina not Adele” and has one follower, Newman.

George has a man-crush on Jared Leto and this time he is finally proud and open about it! “He’s a beautiful man, a beautiful man!”

Elaine goes to every event at FrancoFest. 

Now that daylight savings time has come Kramer is back on schedule with everyone else after spending the past five months an hour ahead. “I make my own time.” 

Elaine cheats on her March Madness bracket by looking over someone’s shoulder on the subway. She will spend the whole playoff season paranoid that she’ll be caught.

George doesn’t know what Pi Day and has pretended to know every year, too embarrassed to ask.

Newman is crushed that LeBron James is not making Space Jam 2.

Jerry goes to see Veronica Mars the movie by himself and runs into his girlfriend’s roommate. After the movie offers to pay her off to keep it a secret – she has already texted and tweeted about it.

February 2014

George adopts a puppy from the puppy bowl to impress a woman he’s dating. She dumps him the next day and he gives the dog to Newman who uses it against enemy mailmen.

Elaine gets scared on top of the toboggan slide at Super Bowl boulevard and has to walk down the stairs passed a line of boos.

Kramer pranks Newman into thinking he’s reliving Groundhog Day by setting up a recording of February 2nd’s morning news to play when Newman turns on the TV.


Elaine wins Super Bowl squares at her office but Peterman makes her donate all the money to charity.

George jokingly references the Jon Stamos yogurt commercial to a woman he’s dating by spilling yogurt on his pants. She completely misses the joke- thinks he’s just a messy eater.

Jerry’s girlfriend cries at the puppy Budweiser commercial and he doesn’t console her (flashbacks to his Bete Midler-loving former flame).

Kramer stalks Ian Rappaport from the Bud light commercial to see if he’s really not an actor – he’s just a nice boy from Roslyn, Long Island (he is!)

Elaine is terrified of Stephen Colbert’s face after the pistachios commercial. 

Frank Costanza goes to Sochi as a chef for the US Olympians (trying to make up for his failure during the Korean War..) 

Elaine is all caught up with the Kardashians but has no one to talk to about it. She starts pretending that she watches Downton Abbey.

Kramer hoards salt after hearing about the possible salt shortage due to all the snow. Jerry: “It’s not that kind of salt!” Kramer: “Soon they’ll be no salt left at all. No salt Jerry! No salt!”

George aspires to date a convict (again) after a marathon weekend of watching Orange is the New Black.

Newman auditions for Space Jam 2.

Jerry dates a figure skater who did not make the olympic cut, she refuses to watch any of the Sochi games. Jerry buys an ipad so that he can watch replays secretly in the bathroom. She catches him and ends it. He gives the ipad to his parents who use it as their new tip calculator.

Uncle Leo gets hooked on Jay-Z’s cologne which is pumped through the vents at the Barclays center.

Kramer and George’s dad try to invent an iphone app: Pinterest but more geared towards males. Frank would call it MenTerest and Kramer would call it HimTerest. 

After hearing about the end moviefone, Kramer offers to keep it going from his apartment landline.


January 2014

Jerry goes with a woman to a New Years party just for the view of Times Square, spends all night trying to avoid a kiss.

George wants to sue Will Smith for not delivering on his promise of the Willenium.

Kramer becomes a horse and carriage driver (again) in protest of DeBlasio’s threats to end the industry. 

Elaine is excited about her new boyfriend until he makes her watch the Twilight Zone New Years marathon.

George is kicked out of a New Years party after making an inappropriate Miley Cyrus comment.

Elaine sees The Wolf of Wall Street with her dad – they promise never to speak of it again.

George’s dad is an extra on Girls.

George breaks up with a girl because she beats him in word scramble (after first trying to get Elaine to play it for him).

Uncle Leo was one of the major contributors to the Veronica Mars crowd-sourced movie (using his inheritance from Nana).


George and Jerry go to Medieval Times with their parents – Frank gets swept away by a 21st birthday party.

Kramer and Tim Whatley are sit-ins at the Golden Globes. Whatley sits in for Bryan Cranston.

Elaine dates a Seahawks fan – flashbacks to David Puddy’s body and face-painting days.

December 2013

Elaine pretends to have seen “It’s a Wonderful Life” – confuses it with “Life is Beautiful” and makes all the wrong references.

George and his dad go to Spa Castle in Queens, wander into the nude women’s jacuzzi.

Newman retires from the Postal Service two days before Christmas. Kramer learns that the H&H bagel on 80th street has closed- starts a Save the Bagels campaign (several years too late..)

January – April 2013

George carries an empty Starbucks cup so he can use WiFi at any location.

Jerry & Kramer get hooked on Breaking Bad, act weird around Tim Whatley.


A female TSA agent laughs at George’s body scan.

Elaine tries to find and mentor Lena Dunham.


George goes to use his laptop on an airplane, but when he opens it an “adult” movie is playing loudly from the last time he used it. 

George types the name of a girl he is facebook stalking into the status box instead of the search box – it remains his status for a day. 

Kramer decides to do his taxes for the first time ever – goes to Jackie Chiles who reports him for tax fraud and then offers to be his lawyer.

Elaine overuses “said no one ever” – gets made fun of by her colleagues. 

Newman claims he had Wichita State in his final four bracket all along, does a belated April Fools’ after claiming all his winnings.

Elaine secretly sees the first Friday morning showing of Jurassic Park before work (claiming she’s feeling sick) – shows up to work with the 3D glasses still on her head.